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Cooling Cows (26) Cow Comfort (6) Dry Cow Cooling (1) Fall Lameness (2) FAQ's Answered (7) Metabolic Issues (2) Reproduction (2) Why Focus on Core Body Temperature (3)
FAQ - Why should I cool my dry cows? What impact does heat stress have on the cow, her next lactation, the calf in utero
Why is it important to keep cows' core body temperature cool, and how does Core Cool Systems achieve this?
Maximizing Dairy Herd Reproductive Health: Understanding the Impact of Heat Stress and Investing in Cooling Solution.
Are your summer electricity bills causing you to shudder? Maybe your barn fans are one of the biggest culprits.
Why is it important to clean your fans before summer? Are dirty fans costing you time, money and energy?
9 things to consider if you are looking for a ventilation and cooling solution.You're drowning in a sea of information and EVERYONE is telling you their system is the best. It’s annoying and confusing. We get it. You want a system that works with your ventilation system. Simple, automated, low-maintenance and keeps your cows cool and comfortable. Spending a bunch of money and time on a cooling system that just seems to make matters worse is costly and frustrating. Imagine being able to 1. Walk into your barn on a hot summer day and see all your cows lying in their beds instead of standing under the feed alley soakers. 2. Invest in a complete cooling and ventilation system that is providing your cows with superior comfort and environment 365 days a year.
Here are 9 import features you should consider when shopping for a cooling system that is part of your ventilation system so the two complement each other instead of working against it. 1. Get air flowing through the stalls/beds/cubicles.
2. Control the climate around your cows. On cooler days single-speed fans are running at 100% power and wasting huge amounts of electricity producing airspeed your cows don’t need. Worse yet, they are turned off, causing you to worry. Forcing you to stop what you are doing run back to the barn and change the settings before cow comfort and health suffers. A fully automated system set to the THI in your barn means that the fan speed is adjusted intuitively according to the temperature in your barn. Providing your cows precisely the speed required to maintain core body temperature, giving them the consistent cool feeling they crave, and maximizing their performance.
3.Eliminate the worry with unlimited fan speed control.
4. Airspeed and distance matter.
5. Don’t be dazzled by big CFM numbers. 6. Take the face mask off your system. Let your system breathe.
7. Decrease maintenance costs.
8. Let’s help your cows get their sweat on. Evaporative Cooling – Fans alone can’t cool on really warm days, water has to be added to the equation for cooling to be achieved. Many operations choose to do that with bunk/Feed lane soaker systems. Soakers can work against your system by enticing cows to spend long hours standing at the bunk trying to cool off. Laying time impacts production and cow comfort. Focus on the cow and provide cooling in the stall. Choose a system that includes evaporative cooling directly over the cubicles/beds or stalls. This keeps cows comfortable while lying down. As an added bonus water consumption is significantly reduced because these systems are low-pressure and low-volume. How much water do those high-pressure, high-volume system use? Traditionally soaking the cow with some kind of soaker system that uses huge amounts of water has been the only choice for cooling producers had. Causing cows to stand for long hours to be cool during the heat of day, increasing lameness issues and decreasing production and reproduction. What would the financial and cow comfort benefit to your operation be in a system that cools cows using a fraction of the water and promotes more lying time?
9. Slash your energy bills. Be sure to check out the Amps draw per unit. The power consumption of some fans out there today can be crippling. This information can be found on the fan specification sheet. Check the Amp usage and the kWh (kilowatt hours) most are running 5-7Amps and some as high as 12Amps! You can do quick power consumption calculations using the information provided in fan specifications. Amps x Volts = KW. Multiply by 1000 for kWh. Multiply kWh by your cost/kWh. Then multiply by the number of run-time hours/day. Finally, multiply by the number of fans needed.
When you are getting a ventilation and cooling system quoted consider these 9 points before you make your decision. Ask yourself and your sales representative, 1. How does this system benefit my cow? 2. How does it increase cow comfort and my operation’s profitability? Remember, the least expensive option up front may end up costing you dearly in the long run. Investing in a system that focuses on the cow, her comfort, and well-being as well as looks after your bottom line in energy savings, maintenance, and labor savings you have a win-win situation.
A Core Cool System ticks all the boxes and can easily be integrated into your existing ventilation system. You will be able to provide your cows with a consistent, cool comfortable environment every day. Core Cool Systems is a capital investment in your operation that will pay itself off in a short time. Saving you power, water, and time. Visit corecoolsystems.com to learn more or email nancy@corecoolsystems.com Share: https://www.corecoolsystems.com/blog/Blog31/9-things-to-consider-if-you-are-looking-for-a-ventilation-and-cooling-solution Share Category "Cooling Cows": |